Monday, November 26, 2012

Why Article Quality Is So Important

These days when freelance writing is so popular all over the world one must consider the importance of quality. There are many reasons why you need to be concerned with quality beyond the obvious. Sure, every webmaster wants quality content for their readership to be loyal to them and keep them coming back for more. However, it does not always work out that way. Most article mills that you submit articles for will demand a certain standard of quality before they accept an article although the standards can vary greatly between companies there is still a standard.

Before we get into why this is important, we should understand why these standards are in place and why it is important to your website traffic. With the bombardment of information on the Internet now that is nowhere near slowing down, Google and other search engines need to constantly evaluate what is legitimate content and what is essentially trash content. If they didn't have a degree of control over what goes out there, the search engines would begin to lose their reputation. The way that search engines do this is to 'crawl' the site and analyze the content.

There are many ways to stay at the top of the search engines ranking. You can use appropriate key words and keyword density which is the number of times a keyword shows up in a piece of content. You can make sure you search what the most searched term was in your genre and fill your content with that particular search term. It is also important to staying on top of the search engines to constantly add to your content. In other words, it is important to always log onto your site and keep the content fresh. Google will monitor your site changes to see if your site is 'space junk 'or not. This means just an inactive or not very active site just hanging out there in cyber-space which is where the term 'space junk' comes from.

When you hand in a piece of content to a content producer there are other reasons why they demand quality. There are buyers that are web-masters who need to purchase content for their websites. Some of the free-content producers only ask for very basic standard. The ones which charge for content at around ten dollars and up for an article will give you a complete list and have tutorials on their sites for their content guidelines. This is why it is important to polish your skills throughout your writing career.

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Exactly What You Should Understand As A Newsletter Author

Penning an online newsletter could be tremendous for one's organization, even if you're in a market which doesn't have a huge target audience. Posting a newsletter gives the opportunity to get in touch with your specific clients with a click of a button and provide them the proper information on a continuing basis. Lots of newsletter authors which have huge lists of members rely on them as genuine small business ventures to enable them to leverage them to set up advertisements. Therefore, if you wish to create a newsletter, then it's extremely important that you just put into action your program.

Ideally you already recognize the significance of performing strong research on your target audience. Being aware what type of individuals will likely be signing up with it can make it easy for you to determine the type of written content that can enter into it. The only way you'll ever notice achievement with publishing your own publication is when your current market understanding is sound. No matter the marketplace, the people on your list can ascertain rapidly if you know what you really are speaking about. However with that said, you should take a step back and obtain an entire viewpoint on your advertising campaign. And so the further you decide to go in to determining exactly who your e-newsletter is going to be serving, the simpler it will eventually turn out to be for you to make the future prospect pleased with the proper type of information. You will get to a point in which you possess a great idea as well as feeling by what you should know, and then you'll be in a very much stronger standing. Additionally, before you decide to hit the send key for your newsletter, be sure you double-check it for any mistakes, punctuation errors, broken hyperlinks, and so forth. If you're providing your readers a publication which appears less than professional, it'll leave your readers having a poor impression. This may lead to un-subscriptions. You shouldn't be in too much of a rush to deliver your newsletter. Spend some time and make it well ahead of time. A majority of the time, this stuff happens when you make plans at the last second. It is usually an excellent move on your part to create your publication a minimum of a week prior to your publish it.

By no means disregard the need for your subject line since it is essential that your clients really open up and read your e-newsletter, otherwise what is the use of posting it? There are many ways to create an email subject line. And also at the same time, you should not totally disregard it by placing something such as "e-newsletter issue one". Allow it to be appealing and click-friendly, to ensure that anybody reading through it is motivated to open up the e-mail.

To conclude, through the above article we are able to plainly come to appreciate how quick and easy it is to create a top quality publication in order to find success with it. There are several sections you need to pay attention to when you're attempting to create a successful e-newsletter. However, almost everything begins smaller. As soon as you concentrate on focusing on the various regions of your newsletter, you will have the ability to discover that as time passes it becomes simpler to manage your articles and increase your subscribers, etc.

Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   Websites That Have the Most Interesting, Relevant, and Engaging Articles   Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

What's The Big Deal About Ezines?

Do you send a consistent ezine? Email newsletters are an important strategy for a Laptop Mom business model. But they have to be done the right way. I learned the hard way what NOT to do with ezines by making lots of mistakes, and I've spent tens of thousands of dollars to learn the most effective elements of a profitable email newsletter campaign. So now I get to share what I've learned with you!

When you understand how valuable newsletters are, you will be moved to make them a vital part of your marketing arsenal, and you will be inspired to do them in the most effective way.

So what's the big deal about ezines?

Build Trust

Communicating with your tribe consistently through email newsletters builds trust. It gives your target audience the impression of your professionalism because you are reliable and dependable.

Build Relationships

You build a relationship when you are in consistent communication with your community. The relationship you have with your prospects is the most important aspect of your ability to sell anything. So you want to build a strong relationship. You do that by communicating with them, by giving them value, by sharing your story. Let them get to know you. And let them know that you care about them.

Build Sales

Consistent contact will also increase your sales. This is because your potential and past clients won't forget you. One of the main reasons a client doesn't buy again - even when they are happy with their previous orders, is that they don't know how to contact you. They forget your name or number or website, and so they just have to start from scratch. Your email newsletters are a great reminder of what you offer.

Build Expert Status

Publishing an email newsletter gives you instant expert status. When you write articles and give tips in a certain area, you are perceived as the expert in that area. So being in communication with your community - giving them valuable information - boosts your expert status.

It's true. The magical email newsletter can do all that for you. But here is the challenge: It has to be done right, or you won't see these spectacular results. If you'd like a step-by-step guide to using an ezine for a profitable business, check out

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High Quality Content And Article Marketing Today

Starting off, I want to make it clear: If you're going to produce content, write, buy articles, rewrite articles, etc. Make Sure you know what you're doing, what you're doing it for and why you are doing it.

The problem we all have seemed to be facing is that when we search online we wind up finding junk. With Goggles new updates pushing the 'anti spam online self regulation' driving the day as we move forward, we all should know by now quality is king, but more of a concern: What does the search engines declare 'Quality Content'?

Google simply says: "Your content must be written for your readers, not for search engines." And "Write content that is in the best interest of your website visitor".

Raising the bar a bit, if your site doesn't have much content or the need for such, i.e. an ecommerce site, for example. This is where you have to be very creative. This means starting a blog, this will require good content. Posting articles to article directories: again good, quality, unique, original articles NOT COPIES.

It is really not that complicated. Some of the great SEO blogs really get going, lay things out nicely, have great communication and on top of that, articles that are worthy of a second or third read.

Moving forward...

One of the key factors to determining quality content would be to:

1) Look at competing pages that are high ranking in the search engines. 2) Look at what your social network would say about your content. Do they link it? If they link it they like it.

Be advised how critical point two is. The fact remains, Google is a machine and machines don't have the opinion that their leaders supposedly say they do. Ahem. Example: SEOMoz had an example of what a good post should look like. Complete with graphs, images, video and all of it. Problem. Their traffic was going down at the time a pre-penguin update came out. These guys know SEO inside and out. Yet, in this case: Google, was still killing them.

So you do in fact need to be careful to craft your articles, content and blog posts in a wise creative and original fashion, meaning: Don't Spam Article Directories either.

And put the best stuff you can find, well researched, well written with a number of hooks to capture the reader and keep the conversation going. You really want, read: NEED social linking to your content these days. You simply can't trust search results or the search engines that may be providing them in order to be a complete success online.

In closing article directories, article marketing, marketing with content and so forth and so on is still alive and well, it just that we article directory editors want quality content too. It is a pain deleting junk time and again. So my advice to you, what ever you do online, what ever you post and where ever you post it: Make It Top Notch Quality.

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How to Get Regular Feedback and Updates From the Websites You Love

Internet has become the super highway of Information. There is nothing in the world which you want to know and it's not on internet. There are many information based websites which offer newsletters to their visitors. If you like the content of the site then don't hesitate to signup for the newsletter. If you are a regular visitor of the virtual world, the internet then you might have encounter websites in great number every time. Its nearly impossible to keep record of the sites you love to visit again.

Most of the sites provide you newsletter signup option on their main page of the website. You just have to share your email address in order to receive regular updates from the website. Suppose you are interested in Health care information. You encounter a website which offer great content about health care. You can signup and get regular updates on the issue you are interested. Even when you will completely forget about the site but when you will open your mail box you will get an email from the same site with a bundle of information in it.

Now there is a catch, We are mostly afraid of signing up newsletters because we don't want to receive spam emails. This not a problem anymore now. Almost all great email services like gmail and yahoo provide best antispam methods. They offer spam filter which automatically send emails their server feels as spam email. Anyhow if email is spam and it was not filtered by email server then you can just select the email in your mail box and click the button to mark it spam. That's it.

So here is a resolution of this discussion, Keep on signing up newsletters of your favorite websites. What you are giving up is email in return of great content you will be receiving very frequently.

Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   Websites That Have the Most Interesting, Relevant, and Engaging Articles   Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Testimonials - The Proof Is In The Pudding

Have you heard of the expression 'the proof is in the pudding', or the longer version 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'? You can tell the world how wonderful your product or website is over and over in hundreds of different ways, but when your readers respond with their own comments it rings a bell of credibility to hear it from strangers.

An excellent way to bring credibility to your product or website is to let other people brag on it. Every website should offer a comment section, asking for opinions and suggestions for improvement. It lets the public know that you are working to make your product/site the best possible for their use as well as letting them know that their opinion counts. This comment section should be posted on your home page and the comments or testimonials made visible for visitors to read. The most current comments should be listed first.

Another good idea is to have a separate category for testimonials. That way when the comments become so numerous that they don't fit on the home page, you can have a compiled list of new and old testimonials which can be quite impressive over time.

You may also want to mention or remind your readers to complete their review from at least one other section on your website to stress how much their opinion means to you.

Testimonials give you a better understanding of what your market is looking for and may inspire you to improve on your products or add additional products or information to satisfy the requests of your visitors. Strangers will share their feelings and experiences that give you more insight into your niche and its demand for a certain product related to what you offer. Their unbiased, objective opinions can be more valuable to you than spending a lot of time and money researching it for yourself. You will also learn what it is that people love about your products. Hopefully most of your comments will be of this nature and will build trust and confidence in you and your site.

So take advantage of other peoples' opinions, welcome them, and use them to your advantage in giving your site or products the credibility that you alone can't always provide. 'The proof of the pudding is', indeed, 'in the eating' and when your readers ingest a savory tidbit, they'll tell you- if you ask them. So ask and you shall receive.

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