Monday, November 26, 2012

Why Article Quality Is So Important

These days when freelance writing is so popular all over the world one must consider the importance of quality. There are many reasons why you need to be concerned with quality beyond the obvious. Sure, every webmaster wants quality content for their readership to be loyal to them and keep them coming back for more. However, it does not always work out that way. Most article mills that you submit articles for will demand a certain standard of quality before they accept an article although the standards can vary greatly between companies there is still a standard.

Before we get into why this is important, we should understand why these standards are in place and why it is important to your website traffic. With the bombardment of information on the Internet now that is nowhere near slowing down, Google and other search engines need to constantly evaluate what is legitimate content and what is essentially trash content. If they didn't have a degree of control over what goes out there, the search engines would begin to lose their reputation. The way that search engines do this is to 'crawl' the site and analyze the content.

There are many ways to stay at the top of the search engines ranking. You can use appropriate key words and keyword density which is the number of times a keyword shows up in a piece of content. You can make sure you search what the most searched term was in your genre and fill your content with that particular search term. It is also important to staying on top of the search engines to constantly add to your content. In other words, it is important to always log onto your site and keep the content fresh. Google will monitor your site changes to see if your site is 'space junk 'or not. This means just an inactive or not very active site just hanging out there in cyber-space which is where the term 'space junk' comes from.

When you hand in a piece of content to a content producer there are other reasons why they demand quality. There are buyers that are web-masters who need to purchase content for their websites. Some of the free-content producers only ask for very basic standard. The ones which charge for content at around ten dollars and up for an article will give you a complete list and have tutorials on their sites for their content guidelines. This is why it is important to polish your skills throughout your writing career.

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Exactly What You Should Understand As A Newsletter Author

Penning an online newsletter could be tremendous for one's organization, even if you're in a market which doesn't have a huge target audience. Posting a newsletter gives the opportunity to get in touch with your specific clients with a click of a button and provide them the proper information on a continuing basis. Lots of newsletter authors which have huge lists of members rely on them as genuine small business ventures to enable them to leverage them to set up advertisements. Therefore, if you wish to create a newsletter, then it's extremely important that you just put into action your program.

Ideally you already recognize the significance of performing strong research on your target audience. Being aware what type of individuals will likely be signing up with it can make it easy for you to determine the type of written content that can enter into it. The only way you'll ever notice achievement with publishing your own publication is when your current market understanding is sound. No matter the marketplace, the people on your list can ascertain rapidly if you know what you really are speaking about. However with that said, you should take a step back and obtain an entire viewpoint on your advertising campaign. And so the further you decide to go in to determining exactly who your e-newsletter is going to be serving, the simpler it will eventually turn out to be for you to make the future prospect pleased with the proper type of information. You will get to a point in which you possess a great idea as well as feeling by what you should know, and then you'll be in a very much stronger standing. Additionally, before you decide to hit the send key for your newsletter, be sure you double-check it for any mistakes, punctuation errors, broken hyperlinks, and so forth. If you're providing your readers a publication which appears less than professional, it'll leave your readers having a poor impression. This may lead to un-subscriptions. You shouldn't be in too much of a rush to deliver your newsletter. Spend some time and make it well ahead of time. A majority of the time, this stuff happens when you make plans at the last second. It is usually an excellent move on your part to create your publication a minimum of a week prior to your publish it.

By no means disregard the need for your subject line since it is essential that your clients really open up and read your e-newsletter, otherwise what is the use of posting it? There are many ways to create an email subject line. And also at the same time, you should not totally disregard it by placing something such as "e-newsletter issue one". Allow it to be appealing and click-friendly, to ensure that anybody reading through it is motivated to open up the e-mail.

To conclude, through the above article we are able to plainly come to appreciate how quick and easy it is to create a top quality publication in order to find success with it. There are several sections you need to pay attention to when you're attempting to create a successful e-newsletter. However, almost everything begins smaller. As soon as you concentrate on focusing on the various regions of your newsletter, you will have the ability to discover that as time passes it becomes simpler to manage your articles and increase your subscribers, etc.

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What's The Big Deal About Ezines?

Do you send a consistent ezine? Email newsletters are an important strategy for a Laptop Mom business model. But they have to be done the right way. I learned the hard way what NOT to do with ezines by making lots of mistakes, and I've spent tens of thousands of dollars to learn the most effective elements of a profitable email newsletter campaign. So now I get to share what I've learned with you!

When you understand how valuable newsletters are, you will be moved to make them a vital part of your marketing arsenal, and you will be inspired to do them in the most effective way.

So what's the big deal about ezines?

Build Trust

Communicating with your tribe consistently through email newsletters builds trust. It gives your target audience the impression of your professionalism because you are reliable and dependable.

Build Relationships

You build a relationship when you are in consistent communication with your community. The relationship you have with your prospects is the most important aspect of your ability to sell anything. So you want to build a strong relationship. You do that by communicating with them, by giving them value, by sharing your story. Let them get to know you. And let them know that you care about them.

Build Sales

Consistent contact will also increase your sales. This is because your potential and past clients won't forget you. One of the main reasons a client doesn't buy again - even when they are happy with their previous orders, is that they don't know how to contact you. They forget your name or number or website, and so they just have to start from scratch. Your email newsletters are a great reminder of what you offer.

Build Expert Status

Publishing an email newsletter gives you instant expert status. When you write articles and give tips in a certain area, you are perceived as the expert in that area. So being in communication with your community - giving them valuable information - boosts your expert status.

It's true. The magical email newsletter can do all that for you. But here is the challenge: It has to be done right, or you won't see these spectacular results. If you'd like a step-by-step guide to using an ezine for a profitable business, check out

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High Quality Content And Article Marketing Today

Starting off, I want to make it clear: If you're going to produce content, write, buy articles, rewrite articles, etc. Make Sure you know what you're doing, what you're doing it for and why you are doing it.

The problem we all have seemed to be facing is that when we search online we wind up finding junk. With Goggles new updates pushing the 'anti spam online self regulation' driving the day as we move forward, we all should know by now quality is king, but more of a concern: What does the search engines declare 'Quality Content'?

Google simply says: "Your content must be written for your readers, not for search engines." And "Write content that is in the best interest of your website visitor".

Raising the bar a bit, if your site doesn't have much content or the need for such, i.e. an ecommerce site, for example. This is where you have to be very creative. This means starting a blog, this will require good content. Posting articles to article directories: again good, quality, unique, original articles NOT COPIES.

It is really not that complicated. Some of the great SEO blogs really get going, lay things out nicely, have great communication and on top of that, articles that are worthy of a second or third read.

Moving forward...

One of the key factors to determining quality content would be to:

1) Look at competing pages that are high ranking in the search engines. 2) Look at what your social network would say about your content. Do they link it? If they link it they like it.

Be advised how critical point two is. The fact remains, Google is a machine and machines don't have the opinion that their leaders supposedly say they do. Ahem. Example: SEOMoz had an example of what a good post should look like. Complete with graphs, images, video and all of it. Problem. Their traffic was going down at the time a pre-penguin update came out. These guys know SEO inside and out. Yet, in this case: Google, was still killing them.

So you do in fact need to be careful to craft your articles, content and blog posts in a wise creative and original fashion, meaning: Don't Spam Article Directories either.

And put the best stuff you can find, well researched, well written with a number of hooks to capture the reader and keep the conversation going. You really want, read: NEED social linking to your content these days. You simply can't trust search results or the search engines that may be providing them in order to be a complete success online.

In closing article directories, article marketing, marketing with content and so forth and so on is still alive and well, it just that we article directory editors want quality content too. It is a pain deleting junk time and again. So my advice to you, what ever you do online, what ever you post and where ever you post it: Make It Top Notch Quality.

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How to Get Regular Feedback and Updates From the Websites You Love

Internet has become the super highway of Information. There is nothing in the world which you want to know and it's not on internet. There are many information based websites which offer newsletters to their visitors. If you like the content of the site then don't hesitate to signup for the newsletter. If you are a regular visitor of the virtual world, the internet then you might have encounter websites in great number every time. Its nearly impossible to keep record of the sites you love to visit again.

Most of the sites provide you newsletter signup option on their main page of the website. You just have to share your email address in order to receive regular updates from the website. Suppose you are interested in Health care information. You encounter a website which offer great content about health care. You can signup and get regular updates on the issue you are interested. Even when you will completely forget about the site but when you will open your mail box you will get an email from the same site with a bundle of information in it.

Now there is a catch, We are mostly afraid of signing up newsletters because we don't want to receive spam emails. This not a problem anymore now. Almost all great email services like gmail and yahoo provide best antispam methods. They offer spam filter which automatically send emails their server feels as spam email. Anyhow if email is spam and it was not filtered by email server then you can just select the email in your mail box and click the button to mark it spam. That's it.

So here is a resolution of this discussion, Keep on signing up newsletters of your favorite websites. What you are giving up is email in return of great content you will be receiving very frequently.

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Testimonials - The Proof Is In The Pudding

Have you heard of the expression 'the proof is in the pudding', or the longer version 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'? You can tell the world how wonderful your product or website is over and over in hundreds of different ways, but when your readers respond with their own comments it rings a bell of credibility to hear it from strangers.

An excellent way to bring credibility to your product or website is to let other people brag on it. Every website should offer a comment section, asking for opinions and suggestions for improvement. It lets the public know that you are working to make your product/site the best possible for their use as well as letting them know that their opinion counts. This comment section should be posted on your home page and the comments or testimonials made visible for visitors to read. The most current comments should be listed first.

Another good idea is to have a separate category for testimonials. That way when the comments become so numerous that they don't fit on the home page, you can have a compiled list of new and old testimonials which can be quite impressive over time.

You may also want to mention or remind your readers to complete their review from at least one other section on your website to stress how much their opinion means to you.

Testimonials give you a better understanding of what your market is looking for and may inspire you to improve on your products or add additional products or information to satisfy the requests of your visitors. Strangers will share their feelings and experiences that give you more insight into your niche and its demand for a certain product related to what you offer. Their unbiased, objective opinions can be more valuable to you than spending a lot of time and money researching it for yourself. You will also learn what it is that people love about your products. Hopefully most of your comments will be of this nature and will build trust and confidence in you and your site.

So take advantage of other peoples' opinions, welcome them, and use them to your advantage in giving your site or products the credibility that you alone can't always provide. 'The proof of the pudding is', indeed, 'in the eating' and when your readers ingest a savory tidbit, they'll tell you- if you ask them. So ask and you shall receive.

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Has Video Killed Article Writing for Your Online Business?

The debate about whether writing articles is still a key element of growing your online business rages on. For those of us who make money online from home it is an important discussion and one that merits serious consideration. The growth in popularity and use of You Tube has caused many to have the view that You Tube is the way forward and that article marketing is simply "old hat"! I don't agree and my reasons are as follows:

Firstly, I do not think it is a question of either You Tube or article marketing, my belief is that it is both. None of us receive information or data from just one source or one element of the media. We get our information in hard copy, electronically, digitally and others, so why would we think that our target audience is any different? The internet is the source of content for millions every day, so there is a place for good content irrespective of the media. If your articles contain good content, and you have it appropriately structured then you will be found. Content that has value for its targeted audience is a much needed resource. If you are writing your article just to blast out volumes of content and hoping that you get traffic, then that is the wrong mindset. If your mindset is "what's in it for me" then it is of little value to anyone, and you will fail. But if your mindset is "is this content adding value to my targeted audience?", and you deliver on it, then the content will be picked up and you will succeed. Relevant content is always of value. Think of this way - if my business goal is to find ways to make money online and I come across a great article on changes in world environment, I may find it interesting, and it may be very well written but it is not relevant to me right now. So, when writing make sure it is high quality, is of significant value and is relevant. Article writing is a great resource and source for relevant content. Once you write an article it is there forever. I still get traffic for articles that I wrote a long time ago. Quality lasts and the time you put into writing a good article today is an investment in your future. Article writing is a great way to get backlinks which are so important and very important when your aim is to make money online for free. Finally, some statistics to back up my argument! I have researched randomly for some figures, so I have not conjured these up to prove my point - you know what can be done with statistics! The niche I looked at is the weight loss niche and I researched how many views random articles had got in a short period of time. To put it in context I am writing this article on 11th March 2011 and my figures are based on numbers of views at 9th March 2011. Just look at these for numbers, keeping in mind that the oldest article is only 8 weeks old! An article published on 5th January 2011 got 30.128 views, one on 9th January 2011 got 46,855 views, another on 24th January 2011 got 19,016, then the one published on 2nd February 2011 got 29,928 views and the one on 14th February 2011 got 12,835

These are absolute proof that article marketing still has its place as a premier method of getting your message out on the internet. How could you not generate business with those levels of views? But please remember, you will only achieve these sorts of figures if the content is of high value and is relevant.

To my mind, forget about the debate questioning whether it is article marketing or video marketing - the truth is that it is both, and you just need to find the right balance.

I would appreciate your comments and views.

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How To Make Effective Article Marketing Headlines

To be truly effective at article marketing, you will need to inspire web browsers to click and view YOUR content instead of checking out the other guys' stuff. One of the best ways to do this is to have an attention-grabbing headline. With a good headline, you will set yourself apart from your nine other competitors. I learned many of these following phrases from Robert Bly's "How to Write & Sell Simple Information For Fun and Profit". Here is a list of my top twenty-one phrases. All you need to do is plug in your keyword!

1. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About " " but Were Afraid to Ask

"Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Birth Control but Were Afraid to Ask"

2. How to " "

"How to Make Effective Article Marketing Titles"

3. The " " Handbook

"The Internet Marketer's Handbook"

4. Secrets " "

"Secrets of Making Six Figures A Year Without A Job"

5. " " Made Easy

"Installing Your Sprinkler System Made Easy"

6. A Guide to " "

"A Guide to the Superstition Wilderness"

7. " " that " " (e.g. "Ads that Sell")

"Ads that Sell"

8. Get Paid to " "

"Get Paid to Work From Home"

9. " " For Fun and Profit

"How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit"

10. " " in a Box

"Landscaping Business in a Box"

11. " " Toolkit

"The Rocky Mountain Flora Toolkit"

12. Getting Started as a " "

"Getting Started as a Gold and Silver Investor"

13. " " on a Shoestring

"Effective Article Marketing Headlines on a Shoestring"

14. The 10-Step " " Plan

"The 10 Step Online Network Marketing Plan"

15. The " " Manual

"The Market Samurai Manual"

16. Quick and Easy " "

"Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Your Self-Image AND Profit From It!"

17. " " for Beginners

"Trails in the Grand Canyon for Beginners"

18. Most Common Questions About " "...and the Answers

"Most Common Questions About Effective Article Marketing...and the Answers"

19. " " for " "

"eBay Auctions for Beginners"

20. Quick Tips for " "

"Quick Tips for the Gung-Ho Entrepreneur"

21. " " The Complete Guide

"Effective Article Marketing: The Complete Guide"

These titling conventions are a great way to appeal to basic human desires that will drive online browsers to click and view your content. Make a hundred percent sure though, that your title correlates to what is in the body of the article, AND that your key-phrase is relevant to your target market. Coming up with a good title before you begin the writing process can help you accomplish this by helping you stay focused.

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Article Marketing: Do I Really Need to Write an Article?

What is an article? Well, it's a text usually from 400 to 1000 words, that provides reliable information on a particular topic. It might be an opinion written by an expert, a review of a product, a guide explaining how to achieve a goal or even an inspirational text to encourage the reader to do something. The general rule is simple: you can write about anything you want, as long as others can benefit from your work. Ask yourself a simple question: do I know something others may not? Or maybe I can explain something better, than others already did? I all that you need to start writing articles.

Another question you might ask is what for? Why should I spend time writing an article nobody might ever read? Well, firstly never think that your article will go unnoticed. Such attitude will get you no where. If you work in one profession for a long time, you have experience, that you can share with others. If you just began your carrier, like me, you have a fresh perspective and probably tons of ideas, which are worth exploring. Let's look at an example:

Let's pretend, you just opened a business connected with buzz marketing. Your company is new to the field as is, the whole idea. Buzz marketing is just starting to develop on a larger scale. What does it give you? Opportunity to leave your footprint. And that's where you should start. You have the know-how and a vision. Others heard little or nothing about buzz marketing, so explain it to them. Start by writing a general article, what buzz marketing is. Then, start showing benefits of it: explain to your readers, why is it important to invest time and effort in it. It should be done through a series of articles step by step. Just remember, always try to look at your work, from a potential reader standpoint.

Finally, let's look at your benefits as an author. First, both your personal and company name gain credibility, as an expert in the field. It translates directly, into trust as it's easier to trust a recognizable expert or brand. It lowers the risk, potential customers need to take, when they make a decision to buy something from you. If, that's not enough, the resource box comes to the rescue. There, you can post a link to your company. Company, which just helped the reader, understand something vital to his own business. How? Through an interesting and benefit-oriented article. So, what would the reader think? If someone cares enough to write an article for free, that makes my business or life better, I can trust him.

That's the whole secret. You must let the world know, who you are and what can you do. And that's when articles come in handy.

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Article Marketing Tips - How To Research And Write An Article

There are several reasons why it's a great idea to publish articles on topics affecting your industry and target markets on the web.

Firstly, it shows that you have your finger on the pulse of what's happening in your particular industry and that you're aware of what challenges are facing your target markets. Understanding and empathy will attract potential clients who will naturally be seeking a solution.

In addition to establishing a solid online reputation through displaying your knowledge, publishing online articles is a great way to engage in two-way conversation with present and potential clients. This is particularly the case if you comment on topics which are likely to trigger a discussion.

Of course, in order for your articles to be read, they first need to be found. By including a small number of keywords both within your title and the body of your article, search engine spiders will be able to read and rank your article. Over time, you'll be able to build a small library of articles which should be stored on your website, encouraging visitors to remain on the site for longer, but which will also help to push your offerings further up the ranks of the search engines.

So it is generally agreed that online article distribution should play a vital part of an organisation's marketing activity. But how do you go about creating articles which will be read, valued and trigger discussions?

The simple answer is, listen to your clients. What are the specific challenges they are facing, what knowledge or tools would they find useful and is there anything happening in the industry which might affect them either positively or negatively?

By keeping a record of strong themes emerging from discussions with your clients, you'll soon build up a bank of article ideas. However, if your writing skills aren't top notch, be in no doubt that this will reflect poorly on your business image. If you don't have the time or the skills, hire a professional writer. They'll produce a quality article for you, probably in half the time and more cost efficiently.

Ensure that the content of the article makes for quality reading and isn't simply peppered with key words. Use one or two principle sources to support your information, but never simply cut and paste content as you may be faced with claims of plagiarism.

Stay clear of printing controversial views. Journalists are, on the whole, detached from their subject matter and can write pretty much anything, but if you offend potential or actual clients, this may well have a substantial, negative effect on your business. Simply report factual details and why not ask them for their opinion to trigger a discussion?

Finally, in addition to posting your article on your website or blog, make sure you also add it to an article distribution site such as EzineArticles. These sites are regularly crawled by search engine spiders and subsequently their better articles tend to be ranked relatively highly.

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What Is an Ezine and Should You Produce One?

What is an ezine?

I define an ezine (otherwise known as an 'email newsletter', or 'e-newsletter') as any regular publication distributed via email for an audience who have signed up to receive it. I differentiate an ezine from a promotional email in that an ezine is made up primarily or largely of information content rather than being a pure sales message.

An ezine may be put together from scratch each time - say once a week - and/or run as a pre-prepared sequence of 'autoresponders'.

Why produce an ezine?

The simple fact is that good ezines have been proven over many years to be hugely effective for almost any type of business, because they allow you to:

· Produce instant sales. · Make qualified prospects come to you - at exactly the time they are ready to buy. · Build relationships and stay and 'top of mind' with clients and prospects. · Present your offerings repeatedly. · Position yourself as an authority. · Save time and money with an efficient and pro-active marketing tool. · Generate instant web traffic. · Build trust - crucial for all sales but especially high value, relationship/consultancy and online. · Build your profile. · Build your business's profile. · Ideal complement to your other marketing and sales activities, especially social media.

Despite the media's current focus on social media, I don't see those benefits changing any time soon - in fact, social media provides even more OPPORTUNITIES for the smart business owner to leverage their ezine.

Consider also that:

· Email is without doubt the digital medium of choice for business, all over the world.

· Email brings in over $43 for every $1 invested(source: DMA).

· 107 trillion email messages were sent in total in 2010. That works out to 294bn per day. There were nearly 2bn email users and 3bn email accounts, and the ranks of the emailing public grew by nearly 500 million. "In other words, email grew a Facebook last year!" (source: Royal Pingdom).

· Email remains one of the most popular activities on the web, reaching more than 70 per cent of the US online population each month (source: ComScore).

· The affluent older generation is increasing its email usage.In the 55-64 year old age group, the number of people accessing web-based email in the US increased 15 per cent in 2010, and the number of over 65s accessing web-based email increased too (source: ComScore).

· Email usage via mobile devices has experienced significant growth, driven largely by increased smartphone adoption. In November 2010, 70.1 million mobile users (30 per cent of all mobile subscribers) accessed email on their mobile, an increase of 36 per cent from the previous year (source: ComScore).

· Daily usage of email showed an even greater increase, growing 40 percent as 43.5 million users turned to their mobile devices on a nearly daily basis for their email communication needs (source: ComScore).

· Higher income households use email more.U.S. adults with household incomes of $75,000 or more are more likely to use email on any given day, at 78%, followed by those with household incomes of $50,000 to $74,999 at 67%; $30,000 to $49,999 at 59%; and less than $30,000 at 47%. (source: Pew internet Project).

Pretty compelling data, isn't it?

Email as a medium is alive and well, and taking advantage of it with a regular ezine to customers and potential customers is, I believe, one of the smartest investments you can make.

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Marketing Your Cosmetic Surgery Practice - Article Marketing

First of all, an explanation of Article Marketing is in order: When we speak of article marketing it is simply writing up intriguing short articles (approximately 500 words or so) on a topic that is related to your cosmetic surgery services. You need to make sure these articles are rich in content and are sure to be picked up by a search engine. You want them to tie into your cosmetic surgery practice, be featured on your website, and be effective in reaching out to potential patients.

The Necessity for Article Marketing So what makes article marketing such an effective online tool? The reality is that by writing these articles, they are relevant to your industry and show your place within it - as an expert in your field. These articles can create a direct path to your website for anyone who does a search for information that relates to you or your cosmetic surgery practice. These articles set you up as an expert in your field. Publishing your articles is excellent for your online reputation management too.

The articles need to be informative, yet interesting and entertaining. They can't ever come off as a sales pitch or you will immediately lose credibility, and therefore interest. You need the content to be fresh and written in a tone that is not off-putting for the average person. Remember you are writing for potential patients, not your peers. Doctors tend to write in a technical way that can, quite frankly, bore and confuse the average reader. Once you've done that your reader will click away from your article, and you - probably for good.

It's always a good idea to run your article by a cosmetic surgery marketing specialist editor, or, if writing doesn't appeal to you, ask the specialist for help with writing these articles. Your cosmetic surgery marketing specialist can provide valuable advice, and can have your articles written for you if you're too busy. Always read and approve of these articles before they go for publication, they have your name on it and you need to make sure they are factually accurate.

Though they can take time, these articles are crucial in getting readers to understand that you have the expertise that they are looking for. This means that they read through the articles to understand a given topic and therefore look to you for the solutions. An article can say a lot about you and work to gain patients for your practice, even though all you did was provide information on their topic of interest.

You want to write good articles and then publish them where they will be read. That means you want to get them up on sites such as, Squidoo and other article publishing sites. You want search engines to pick up content on your cosmetic surgery clinic, which will happen naturally if they have been written properly. You want your articles to link back to your business and be the way that interested potential patients can find you. This will set you apart from your competition, secure you as the expert in your field, and ultimately win you new patients and business.

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3 Cons Of Sending Out Email Newsletters

As we become more and more dedicated to providing quality content and connecting with our readers it only make sense to use email newsletters to further strengthen that bond. Yet, however beneficial they may be, they're not as easy to create as your run-of-the-mill email broadcast where you're just tossing out a link to your sales page. Here are 3 cons of sending out email newsletters and what you can do to turn them into positives.

It takes too much time to put together

Creating a quality newsletter does take some additional time. You don't want to just send you readers your RSS feed for the week. They've already read your blog. You want to send your subscribers content that's even better, if possible. Your newsletter has their complete undivided attention and they're expecting great things from you.

Set up two files. The first should be a bookmark file. During the week while you're reading other blogs or researching your content, bookmark relevant items and put them in your newsletter folder. The second file should be for documents. When you're sitting down to write a blog post, take one main idea from the post and expand it for your newsletter readers. Give them more information about something that you just touched on in your blog. Put these extra articles into your newsletter file, too.

Now, when you're ready to create your newsletter you have all your content ready to go. You even have some interesting links you can send your readers to.

It takes time to write all of that additional content

It does take time to write the additional content you'll need for your newsletter. As mentioned above though you can save yourself a bit of time by writing your newsletter content while you're writing content for your blog.

You can also use regular article writing tips to help whip us quick, quality content. For example, look over your recent blog posts. If you've recently posted a list article, take one of the items from your list and turn it into a complete article. If you've recently done a How To article, write a Things NOT To Do article for your newsletter. Newsletters don't have to be long. They just have to be informative.

And nobody said you have to write all your newsletter content, either. Refer your readers to interesting blog posts you've found this week. Write a brief introduction telling them why you think it's relevant and give them the link. You won't be losing readers at all. In fact, they'll love you for showing them something they might not have found themselves.

It's too hard trying to stay on a schedule

It's important that you consistently mail your newsletters on the same day every week but sometimes it's impossible to stay on schedule. If you've been tucking interesting content away then that helps. You can also start creating your newsletters and hold them as drafts until you're ready to send. You don't have to load everything up at once.

It's also a good idea to start working on an emergency newsletter, for those times when you really can't stop what you're doing and get one put together. Make sure it's filled with evergreen content and just hold it in the queue until you really need it.

As you can see, the 3 cons of sending out email newsletters aren't really con's at all. They're just the excuses you've been using because you think it's going to be a lot of hard work. It does take some work. But the pay-off is well worth the effort.

Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   Websites That Have the Most Interesting, Relevant, and Engaging Articles   Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Writing A Dynamic Resource Box

Why do you need a dynamic resource box? Well, in the previous series of articles I have talked about structuring and writing articles that will get and keep readers. But, you need to be aware that article directories and most ezines will not allow you to have "self serving" links in the body of your articles.

By, self serving I mean any link that takes the reader to one of your pages that may or may not be sales pages.

We all know that most people go on to the internet to find the answer to a question or problem. We also know that constant sales messages turn people of - the internet community has got more sophisticated and now treat hard sell as spam. People want to get information, normally for free and of high value and of a good quantity.

As the internet searchers have got more sophisticated so have the search engines - the way they now rate web pages has become more and more complex. I have discussed the value that articles provide to your rankings on the search engines and how you must write valuable content.

Now, you have written an article with useful information, and you want to publish it on other sites so how do you lead the reader to your site to give you the chance to sell to them?

At the end of each article is a section that is called the Resource Box or author bio. It is in this section that you are allowed to have links to your web pages. So, if your article is about weight loss then the links in the resource box should take the reader to a page on your site that is all about weight loss.

So, what does the resource box contain?

the name of the author - yes this is your name! a brief description of the author - a short sentence describing who you are and why you are the expert that is writing this article. a brief description of the site they are going to be taken to. This should be a compelling sentence that gives the reader a good reason to go and visit the site. In our weight loss example you might describe the page all about a special diet. a link. If the reader has enjoyed your article they will then click on the link!

However, the resource box, like the article, must be compelling to the reader to get them to click the link. It is worth pointing out that the resource box only gives you a small amount of space so you need to clever with your writing for example, at EzineArticles, you only get 300 words for the resource box.

So, what do you want in the resource box? Well, you need to make sure that the keywords the reader is searching for are so that when they read it they recognise the questions and see a potential answer. We have looked at keywords in other articles.

When you are writing the content for your resource box you need to get the readers imagination working - can they see the solution or answer to their problem and then they will click on the link. You are trying to make them think and be intrigued by the possibilities you are offering.

You need to be fun and creative while showing them it is worth their while following your link to a great solution to their problem. A boring resource box will not work.

All this sound too much like an impossibility in 300 words well with your creative juices flowing and remembering the basic reason for the author bio - getting them to click your link - it is possible to write an intriguing and compelling resource box.

Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   Websites That Have the Most Interesting, Relevant, and Engaging Articles   Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Free Article Marketing Strategies for Savvy Marketers

Savvy online marketers almost always start out with free article marketing strategies because it is a great way to generate traffic, improve the popularity of your web site or blog, share quality information and brand yourself as a leader in the industry.

Let's face it, people seek out ways to cut costs or to master free marketing on the Internet. Getting free article marketing strategies is the key to getting into the game with serious online marketers. The first way of course, is to write your own articles for free. Next, you can cut costs by becoming a member of directories that offer free article submissions. By exploring this option, it further saves money by allowing the writer to learn the rules of submitting articles without paying for service charges and at the same time it gives them greater exposure for each article to be found online on an authority site. Whether articles are free or not, the content and keywords must be relevant and interesting enough for web surfers to stop in and actually read information posted to the site.

Before any of these things can happen, the web site owner must be sure to understand the overall objective of his or her free article marketing strategies. In other words, they must establish whether the article is an informative article or an article promoting the sale of products and services. Establishing these criteria will assist in finding out the type of audience to target but frankly, no one wants to read and article that is basically a sales letter. I would avoid that if you understand the importance of attraction marketing and relationship building online.

And do not forget about your keywords. Take time to discover the benefits of free search engine optimizations services and in particular free keyword tools. Make sure you are targeting words and phrases that have ample traffic but not too much so that you can compete. Remember paid and free article marketing strategies rely on having relevant keywords in the right place and keeping within the keyword density percentage.

In addition to free article submission sites, do not forget to promote your articles with social media sites too. You can write press releases about your articles or even shoot a quick video about it. Also do not forget to tweet your article, or even mention it on your Facebook wall or fan page. One of my favorites is to get involved with an online tribe too. This can give you places to share content with like-minded article marketers and a place to make online friends as well.

Remember, article marketing is a great way to build up a high level of trust by supplying relevant and accurate information to your readers and ultimately will help you to generate leads online that you can use for promoting your business.

Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   Websites That Have the Most Interesting, Relevant, and Engaging Articles   Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

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